PULL UP!!: Return of the Rudeboy 6th Anniversary

18 June 20

Posted at 5:15

PULL UP!! : June Edition Return of the Rudeboy Special

PULL UP!! : June Edition Return of the Rudeboy Special

PULL UP!! : June Edition Return of the Rudeboy Special

©Dean Chalkley / Harris Elliott / Return of the Rudeboy


Return of the Rudeboy originally opened at Somerset House on 13th June 2014. This seminal exhibition presented by creative director Harris Elliott and Dean celebrated the 21st Century Rudie. Tonight on Totally Wired Radio Dean and Harris change up the usual flow of their monthly radio show to dive deep into the insights and experiences from the original exhibition. Harris and Dean welcome onto PULL UP!! Art Comes First, Andrew Ibi, Gary Powell, Jason Jules and Bevan Agyemang, all the aforementioned creatives were collaborators in the 2014 exhibition.

Todays radio discussions reflect on memories of those times and the effect Return of the Rudeboy had and continues to have. In keeping with the Return of the Rudeboy's ethos and cultural position Harris, Dean and the guests also discuss these pivotal and crucial moments we are in now. 

PULL UP!! can be heard on Totallywiredradio.com 6-8pm 18-6-20

Please note: Approximately 24hrs after it can be listened to on the 'Catch Up' part of the station and on Mixcloud, we will update this post once this happens.

The pictures above feature: Jason Jules, Art Comes First, Bevan Agyemeng all were photographed for the original Return of the Rudeboy exhibition.